There is a lot to be said about these topics. Instead of regurgitating any talking points, below are resources that I agree (with commentary)
I have heard the name Charity Majors a lot from people I trust when talking about Devops and Observability. My journey no this platform is just starting but for me it begins with her content
Structured Events w.r.t Observability
Observability Talk. The Monitoring vs Observability portion was eye opening:
Continuous Delivery take from her
Dave Farley is a thought leader within the Continuous Delivery space with his own youtube channel. I trust and cosign basically everything he says
Continuous Delivery Checklist:
How Continuous Delivery pipelines work:
Random Blogs and videos I like
Short manifesto on what it takes for continuous delivery
THE guide in terms of breadth of information with respect to trunk based development. The only way to ensure healthy and always deliverable code (its hard tho): Trunk Based Development